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Dedicated Hosting- All You Need to Know

Selecting the right web hosting package is as important as choosing a provider. Dedicated hosting and shared server hosting are perhaps the 2 most used hosting services ever for running an online business.

But today we will discuss the dedicated servers. A dedicated server comes with a lot of benefits, and the biggest benefit is that you don’t have to share resources with others. Unlike shared hosting, this hosting has one server assigned to a particular website, which the website developer uses to upload his/her website files with complete control and freedom.

Who needs dedicated hosting?

Those companies and websites having gigabytes of data with thousands of images pictures, videos and multimedia content along with hundreds of pages require faster loading times and the best server uptime guarantees.

For those websites having large volumes of data that need good and reliable hosting but cannot afford to buy dedicated servers, can use shared servers for their websites.

Listed below are the main differences between these two services:

  1. Dedicated hosting holds only one website dedicating all resources of a fast server to the entire website, whereas shared hosting had many websites run on a single server.
  2. The webmasters would be provided with dedicated IP that is different from every single IP of the world, whereas in the case of shared hosting webmasters would be given an IP shared with various other websites running on that single server. There is a high risk of sharing IP addresses against various other websites. In recent years many websites have been blacklisted by the search engine updates. Other websites running on the same server might get affected by such policies o search engines where the legitimate websites might get banned as well form various search engines. In other words, if one shared IP is banned, every website having that IP would also get banned from the internet.
  3. Dedicated web hosting although it comes with various benefits, but not without the high price. Dedicated hosting is as expensive as 15 times the cost of shared hosting. If shared hosting costs 200 INR per month, good quality dedicated hosting starts at 3000 INR per month. The reason for the huge price difference lies in utilizing the company resource are the company would charge higher prices from the website owners using dedicated servers because only one server would be up and running the entire website and also because of some additional benefits that you won’t get in shared hosting.
  4. Computers, routers, and firewalls in shared hosting would only get managed by hosting company, whereas in dedicated web hosting one gets dedicated customer support services, along with complete control over the entire server. Dedicated hosting comes with various packages like hard disk space, server memory (RAM), server speed (CPU) and the types of software and tools to be installed. In other words, it is a completely customized solution for website owners. In shared hosting, the websites are being provided with readymade tools, software, and equipment without any further advantages of customization. Furthermore, dedicated hosting has benefits of choosing from the type of operating system of servers, like a window, Linux, and Unix, etc.

Bottom Line: 

So ultimately at some point, your website needs more resources to grow that I don’t think shared hosting can provide. So, if you are in the boat you should start considering the dedicated hosting solution.

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